cursor pixel hand
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Sladjan Ilic strange figure dancing
Freelancer strange figure dancing
Web Developer strange figure dancing
Animation Lover strange figure dancing

I'm isladjan
a freelancer developer
who enjoys
creating websites.

Hello, stranger!😊 Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Sladjan Ilic, and I use isladjan as my alias on the web. I am a web developer originally from Serbia, now based in Salzburg, Austria. I'm always curious to learn more when it comes to new technologies and creative coding.🚀 Feel free to explore my portfolio and enjoy a private surfing experience — no cookies, no trackers, only basic GDPR-compliant Analytics! 😃

Based in Salzburg

47° 44' 24.52"
13° 02' 22.17"
pixel planet animation

When original design
is absent,
confusing the visitor
with a mess of

Without a standout design, spice it up with some chaos and lively animations. It might not follow the usual design rules, but there's a unique charm in breaking free from tradition. After dealing with clients and their requests, there's nothing sweeter than creating something just for me, where the only person I need to impress is myself.

Design in Progress:
A Developer's
Playground strange design

Design: Where Chaos
Meets creativity
and Somehow Makes Sense.

When it comes to coding and design, I love experimenting. Repeating the same thing over and over? Not exactly thrilling. Now, imagine a chaotic yellow canvas—floating shapes, typography doing whatever it wants, and a ballerina mid-spin, defying both gravity and good UX practices. Take a step back. Does it make sense? Probably not. But that's the fun part. 😀

creative thinking
dots dots
Are you a fan of cubes? Cybernetic Ballet Choreography 404: Design Rules Not Found lines lines

Problem solving
Animation Lover
Generative Artist
Optimized Websites strange design

6 years as a developer
translating client dreams
into code reality.
Fluent in CSS, js
and Clientese!

Over the past six years as a Frontend Developer, I have learned how to turn client ideas into real, working code, sometimes smoothly and sometimes with a lot of trial and error. My journey has been a fun mix of solving problems, losing my nerves, picking up new tricks, and designing animations that, hopefully, add depth and interactivity to websites.

  • And in the end, Webpack to ties everything together, minimizes code, and takes care of the heavy lifting in the development process.
  • Old fun vanilla javaScript without the layers of abstraction that frameworks provide. 0 kB VanillaJS
  • scrollTrigger.js allows me to synchronize animations with the scroll position. 41 kB ScrollTrigger.js
  • gsap.js simplifies the management of hundreds of animations simultaneously. 67 kB gsap.min.js
  • Three.js enables creating 3D environments on websites, where ideas are rendered directly by the GPU. 601 kB three.min.js
  • This portfolio runs on a LAMP stack with:

    • three.js
    • gsap.js
    • ScrollTrigger.js
    • vanilla js
    *Click for More Info!
  • And most importantly, I wanted to have fun.
    To try something different, even if it meant bending a few 'rules.'
  • Also, I wanted to skip the annoying cookie consent — so no cookies or trackers, just basic GDPR-compliant analytics.
  • I wanted to add a giant, cool pixel cursor as a fun detail, for hover devices.
    I hope you see my love for pixel art.
  • Second, I aimed to optimize the animations so they'd run relatively smoothly, even on older devices, without sacrificing too much performance.
  • First, I wanted the landing page to focus on 3D animations, with no loading screens or waiting — just everything appearing as quickly as possible.
  • When I started this portfolio, I had few clear goals in mind. *Click for More Info!
Code Efficiency strange 3D cube
Database Management strange 3D cube
Continuous Learning strange 3D cube

Backend: Solving
invisible problems
until they suddenly
become very visible!

Here's the dirty little secret of freelancing: clients don’t care about your tech stack or your coding philosophy—they just want to know how much their next feature will cost. That’s when I dove into the backend, because every flashy frontend request hides a secret backend story. So, yeah, I got into backend. Turns out, even invisible problems come with a price tag!

  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
strange 3D cube
strange 3D cube
strange 3D cube
strange 3D cube
strange 3D cube

Development is all about
One project ends,
another begins,
and the rhythm never stops.

  • Model One
  • Model Two
  • Model Three

Thanks for stopping by!You made it to the end of the landing page. If something caught your interest, feel free to explore my other links. Check out the About page for some wild projects, you might find something interesting! Feel free to look around or leave feedback.